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11880Census CaguasSud/Sur55$20.00This is a population Census. Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish
11880Census CaguasPueblo Oeste46$20.00This is a population Census. Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish

11880Census CaguasNorte28$15.00This is a population Census. Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish

11880Census CaguasJaguas20$15.00This is a population Census. Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish

11880Census CaguasRio Canas40$20.00This is a population Census. Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish

11880Census CaguasBairoa25$15.00This is a population Census. Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish

11880Census CaguasBorinquen
95$35.00This is a population Census. Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish

11880Census CaguasTurabo
63$35.00This is a population Census. Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish

11880Census CaguasCanabon 52$20.00This is a population Census. Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish

11880Census CaguasCanaboncito56 15.00This is a population Census. Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish
11880Census CaguasTomas de Castro67$25.00
This is a population Census. Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish
18731873Censo de Poblacion-FRAGMENTED CENSUS Lares30$15.00Vitals include age and place of birth. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish
18851886Padron de Riqueza Lares80$35.00Records include Name of ancestor and information regarding wealth
Ponce1901Census Ponce Cerrillos20$15.00Vitals include age, place of birth, marital status and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish
Ponce1901Census Ponce Portugues37$15.00Vitals include age, place of birth, marital status and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish
Ponce1901Census Ponce San Patricio36$15.00Vitals include age, place of birth, marital status and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish
Ponce1901Census Ponce Barrio 84$35.00Vitals include age, place of birth, marital status and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish

censo Riqueza hato Grande1884Censo de Riqueza Hato Grande
Census of Wealth
San Lorenzo37$15.00Records include Name of ancestor and information regarding wealth
Infanteria 1822-231822-1823Censo de Infanteria-
Military Census
Puerto Rico35$20.00Includes name, birthplace, age and name of parents.
Padron de Riqueza 1885-18861885-1886Padron de Riqueza Urbana Fincas-Census of WealthLares33$15.00This record provides insight to wealth of an ancestor
Padron de Reparto 1885-18861885-1886Padron de RepartoLares43$20.00This record provides insight to wealth of an ancestor

18631863Census of ArrivalsPonce9$15.00Contents include name, age, occupation, birthplace and previous place of residence
18641864Census of ArrivalsPonce7$15.00Contents include name, age, occupation, birthplace and previous place of residence
18651865Census of ArrivalsPonce11$15.00Contents include name, age, occupation, birthplace and previous place of residence
18661866Census of ArrivalsPonce7$15.00Contents include name, age, occupation, birthplace and previous place of residence
Mayaguez1897Censo de ElectoresMayaguez5$15.00Simple Census, list of Men, District of San German.
San German1896Censo de ElectoresSan German4$15.00Simple Census, list of Men.
0011866List of Attorneys in PRSan Juan, Ponce, Mayaguez, Caguas, Aguadilla, Arecibo, Humacao. and San German8$15.00Contents include years of service and town of residence
11867List of Attorneys in PRSan Juan, Ponce, Mayaguez, Caguas, Aguadilla, Arecibo, Humacao. and San German9$15.00Contents include years of service and town of residence
11869List of Attorneys in PRSan Juan, Ponce, Mayaguez, Caguas, Aguadilla, Arecibo, Humacao. and San German9$15.00Contents include years of service and town of residence
11870List of Attorneys in PRSan Juan, Ponce, Mayaguez, Caguas, Aguadilla, Arecibo, Humacao. and San German9$15.00Contents include years of service and town of residence
11882List of Attorneys in PRSan Juan, Ponce, Mayaguez, Caguas, Aguadilla, Arecibo, Humacao. and San German8$15.00Contents include years of service and town of residence
0001 - Copy1827CensusPonce49$30.00Simple list of names. The census includes 49 pages for all townships in Ponce.
Canas, Coto, Capitanejo, Cerrillos, Machuelo, Magueyes and Barrio
00011841-1842CensusPonce10$25.00Census of ponce residents moving from Ponce to other towns in PR. The vital contents include age, marital status, occupation, birthplace and place of residence.
00011842-1843CensusPonce15$25.00Census of Ponce residents moving from Ponce to other towns in PR. The vital contents include age, marital status, occupation, birthplace and place of residence.
00011842-1846Census of ForeignersPonce26$25.00Census of foreigners residing in Ponce. These records are minibiographical and contain vital data. Most contain the country of birth of ancestor.
00011846-1847CensusPonce17$25.00Census of residents. The vital contents include age, marital status, occupation, birthplace and place of residence. This is a fragmented census, mostly of Playa, Ponce.
2 - Copy1841Birth Records
Blancos (White folks)
Ponce5$15.00Birth records name one or both parents. These are simple birth records.
2 - Copy1843Birth Records
(All races)
Ponce13$15.00Birth records name one or both parents. These are simple birth records.
1 - Copy1848-1849Birth Records
(Mixed race and Slaves)
Ponce21$15.00Birth records name one or both parents. These are simple birth records.
1 - Copy1845Birth Records Colored FolksPonce9$15.00Birth records name one or both parents. These are simple birth records.
1 - Copy1845Birth Records White FolksPonce4$15.00Birth records name one or both parents. These are simple birth records.
1 - Copy1845Birth Records-SlavesPonce5$15.00Birth records name one or both parents. These are simple birth records.
2 - Copy1848-1868Census RecordsPonce17$35.00Census of foreigners residing in Ponce. These records are minibiographical and contain vital data. Most contain the country of birth of ancestor.
Mil San Juan GOV1860War Donation Records-
Military Men and
Men in Government
San Juan36$25.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
Aguada1860War Donation Records-ResidentsAguada5$10.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
00351860War Donation Records-ResidentsAguadilla6$10.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
Camuy1860War Donation Records-ResidentsCamuy4$10.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
Hato Grande1860War Donation Records-ResidentsHato Grande5$10.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
Morovis1860War Donation Records-ResidentsMorovis9$10.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
Lares1860War Donation Records-ResidentsLares8$10.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
MOca1860War Donation Records-ResidentsMoca8$10.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
REparto 1886-871886-1887Census of Distribution (Reparto)Lares23$15.00Simple census of Wealth. This record provides insight as to wealth of ancestor.
Jornaleros 18-871886-1887Census of Jornaleros (Laborers)Lares54$25.00Simple census, list of laborers (men). Includes amounts.
Cedulas 1893-18941893-1894Census of Cedulas Personales-Population CensusLares111$30.00
Includes place of birth, profession, age and family composition.
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsAnon94$30.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsBarrio 106$30.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsBucana24$15.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsCanas83$30.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsCantera158$35.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsCapitanejo39$20.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsCerrillos21$20.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsCoto Laurel74$25.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsBarrio Cuarto111$35.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsGuaraguao78$25.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsMachuelo abajo66$25.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsMachuelo arriba52$25.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsMagueyes45$25.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsMaraguez72$25.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsMarueno45$25.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsMontes Llanos50$25.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsBarrio Quinto158$35.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsBarrio Segundo215$40.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
ponce1897Ponce-Census of inhabitantsBarrio Tercero65
$25.00Includes name of ancestor, age, marital status, birthplace, occupation and years of residence in Ponce
2 (2)1900Census-Censo ElectoresSan German28$15.00Contents include name of ancestor name, age, race and residence
00011858Census of inhabitantsSabana del Palmar-Comerio145$35.00Contents include name of ancestor name, age, marital status, race, occupation and whether the person can read and/or write.
1864-6 Contabilida1864Census-Actas de ContabilidadLares135$30.00These records include the names of many residents and the amounts paid to the municipality. Serves as an excellent resource for documenting an ancestor and their wealth.
vagos1851-1856Census-Actas de los VagosLares105$20.00These records in some instances provide a detailed account as to the reason why a town resident is unemployed. Other records simply document the person as unemployed.
vagos1858-1859Census-Actas de los VagosLares22$10.00These records in some instances provide a detailed account as to the reason why a town resident is unemployed. Other records simply document the person as unemployed.
vagos1861Census-Actas de los VagosLares24$10.00These records in some instances provide a detailed account as to the reason why a town resident is unemployed. Other records simply document the person
vagos1862Census-Actas de los VagosLares22$10.00These records in some instances provide a detailed account as to the reason why a town resident is unemployed. Other records simply document the person
vagos1863Census-Actas de los VagosLares14$10.00These records in some instances provide a detailed account as to the reason why a town resident is unemployed. Other records simply document the person
vagos1864Census-Actas de los VagosLares22$10.00These records in some instances provide a detailed account as to the reason why a town resident is unemployed. Other records simply document the person
vagos1867Census-Actas de los VagosLares30$10.00These records in some instances provide a detailed account as to the reason why a town resident is unemployed. Other records simply document the person
vagos1868Census-Actas de los VagosLares15$10.00These records in some instances provide a detailed account as to the reason why a town resident is unemployed. Other records simply document the person
Arbitrios1868-1869Census-ArbitriosLares74$20.00These records document many residents in Lares, as well as the amount paid to the municipality.
The records serve as insight to ancestor wealth.

01Extranjeros 18681868Census-Foreigners Ponce25$25.00This is a collection of names of foreigners residing in Ponce in 1868
00011819-1822Census-ForeignersPonce10$15.00The records document the name and place of birth of the person.
00011828-1839Census-ForeignersPonce65$30.00The records document the name and place of birth of the person. The records are semi-biographical, they contain much vital information.
00011850CensusPonce6$15.00The records document the name, age, marital status, physical description and place of birth of the person. Excellent source for genealogical findings.
00011858CensusPonce17$20.00The records document the name, age, marital status, physical description and place of birth of the person. Excellent source for genealogical findings.
00011875Birth Records Isabela39$15.00The records document the name, town of residence, date and parents names
00011876Birth Records Isabela40$15.00The records document the name, town of residence, date and parents names
00011875Death RecordsIsabela59$20.00The records document the name, age, town of residence and cause of death
vacunas1884-1885Census of Vacunas-List of folks to receive VaccineIsabela3$5.00This list documents the person, their town of residence and the names of the parent (s)
00011840Death RecordsSan German17$20.00The records document the name, town of residence, date and parents names
This record includes: negros, esclavos pardos and blancos (all races)
Military1855Military RecordsLares94$20.00These records document many Military men in Lares in 1855
00011878Census RecordCaguas, Este86$25.00Contents include name, birthplace, age, race, marital status, and other.

00011882Fragmented Census RecordCaguas38$20.00Contents include name, birthplace, age, race, marital status, and other.

18461846Birth RecordsPonce36$20.00Contents include name, dob, and the name of a parent or both parents
1847 21847Birth RecordsPonce30$20.00Contents include name, dob, and the name of a parent or both parents
00011853Birth RecordsPonce56$20.00Contents include name, dob, and the name of a parent or both parents
00011855Birth RecordsPonce53$20.00Contents include name, dob, and the name of a parent or both parents
00011856Birth RecordsPonce54$20.00Contents include name, dob, and the name of a parent or both parents
00011862Birth RecordsPonce64$25.00Contents include name, dob, and the name of a parent or both parents
00011864Birth RecordsPonce44$20.00Contents include name, dob, and the name of a parent or both parents
00011865Birth RecordsPonce65$25.00Contents include name, dob, and the name of a parent or both parents
Lares riq 1868-91868-1869Censo Riqueza de Comercio/Census of Commercial WealthLares230$40.00Contents include information of wealth
lares 1873-18781873-1878Censo de Riqueza Agricultura/ Census of Agricultural WealthLares400$50.00Contents include information of wealth
00011852-1859Birth RecordsPonce18$20.00Birth records name one or both parents
00011860-1868Birth RecordsPonce17$20.00Birth records name one or both parents
00011890-1891Census CaguasSouth/Sud41$20.00Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish
00011890-1891Census CaguasCanabon33$20.00Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish
00011890-1891Census CaguasNorte18$20.00Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish
00011890-1891Census CaguasCanaboncito24$20.00Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish
00011892-1895Electoral Census MayaguezSan German8$10.00Simple Census- Documenting men for members of council
00021894-1896Electoral Census MayaguezSan German8$10.00Simple Census- Documenting men for members of council
18421842Judicial Records-Juicios de PazLares56$15.00Judicial Records, these records provide an account and/or detail of dispute, hese records are excellent insight as to the life of an ancestor.
18561856Judicial Records-Juicios de PazLares37$15.00Judicial Records, these records provide an account and/or detail of dispute, hese records are excellent insight as to the life of an ancestor.
18641864Judicial Records-Juicios Lares50 I$20.00Judicial Documents, these records detail accounts of cases of residents in Lares. Excellent insight as to ancestor life.
18641864Judicial Records-Juicios Lares50 II$20.00Judicial Documents, these records detail accounts of cases of residents in Lares. Excellent insight as to ancestor life.
18641864Judicial Records-Juicios Lares57$20.00Judicial Documents, these records detail accounts of cases of residents in Lares. Excellent insight as to ancestor life.
18651865Judicial Records-Juicios Lares50$20.00Judicial Documents, these records detail accounts of cases of residents in Lares. Excellent insight as to ancestor life.
18651865Judicial Records-Juicios Lares60$15.00Judicial Documents, these records detail accounts of cases of residents in Lares. Excellent insight as to ancestor life.
18651865Judicial Records-Juicios Lares69$15.00Judicial Documents, these records detail accounts of cases of residents in Lares. Excellent insight as to ancestor life.
18661866Judicial Records-Juicios Lares48$1500Judicial Documents, these records detail accounts of cases of residents in Lares. Excellent insight as to ancestor life.
18601860Judicial Records-Juicios Lares27$15.00Judicial Documents,, these records detail accounts of cases of residents in Lares. Excellent insight as to ancestor life.
Comercio1893Commerce -Matriculas de ComercioLares50$15.00Registrations provide information of commerce and wealth as it regards Lares residents
Matriculas Comercio 18931893Commerce-Matriculas de ComercioLares90$20.00Registrations provide information of commerce and wealth as it regards Lares residents
Comercio1893Commerce-Matriculas de Comercio y GanadosLares59$15.00Registrations provide information of commerce and wealth as it regards Lares residents
horses mat Lares1859-1862Registry of Farm Animals -Matriculas de GanadoLares40$15.00Registrations provide information of wealth of Lares residents as it regards farm animals. Good source of ancestor wealth.
lares horses 1859-621859-1862Registry of Farm Animals -Matriculas de GanadoLares48$15.00Registrations provide information of wealth of Lares residents as it regards farm animals. Good source of ancestor wealth.
18701870Registry of Farm Animals -Matriculas de GanadoLares65$20.00Registrations provide information of wealth of Lares residents as it regards farm animals. Good source of ancestor wealth.
actas21880-1886Municipal Notes-Actas AyuntamientoLares- File I120$20.00These records document resident activity, records provide interesting insight and detail on the lives our ancestors lived
Ayun1880-1886Municipal Notes-Actas AyuntamientoLares- File II122$20.00These records document resident activity, records provide interesting insight and detail on the lives our ancestors lived
actas21880-1886Municipal Notes-Actas AyuntamientoLares- File III188$20.00These records document resident activity, records provide interesting insight and detail on the lives our ancestors lived
Ayun1880-1886Municipal Notes-Actas AyuntamientoLares - File IV140$20.00These records document resident activity, records provide interesting insight and detail on the lives our ancestors lived
Capture1867Fragmented Slave RecordsLares31$20.00Records document the name of the slave, the name of the owner and reveals how the slave was acquired
Prestaciones 18791879Censo de Prestaciones -Advances RecordsLares35$20.00Records document the name of the resident and the amount they received in advance as pay. Records serve as excellent insight to wealth of an ancestor
Lares Contribuciones 188-71888Contribuciones Census-Contribution RecordsLares99$30.00Records document the name of the resident along with the amount contributed to municipal project.
Isabela B 18361836-1837Birth RecordsIsabela82$20.00Records document name, town of residence, date of birth and parent (s) name
Isabela B 18381838-1839Birth RecordsIsabela80$20.00Records document name, town of residence, date of birth and parent (s) name
Isabela B 18401840-1841Birth RecordsIsabela156$25.00Records document name, town of residence, date of birth and parent (s) name
01061860War Donation Records-ResidentsCayey3$10.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
00921860War Donation Records-ResidentsCiales3$10.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
0001a1860War Donation Records-ResidentsHumacao4$10.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
00501860War Donation Records-ResidentsIsabela10$10.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
00771860War Donation Records-ResidentsSan Sebastian3$10.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
00791860War Donation Records-ResidentsUtuado7$10.00Documented were both men and women, this list of donors is an excellent resource for those seeking documentation of their ancestor, it also provides insight as to the wealth of the family and the town of residence during said year
00011872Caguas Census RecordBeatris34$10.00Document content includes: Name, birthplace, age, whether literate, occupation and other
11872Caguas Census RecordCanabon23$10.00Document content includes: Name, birthplace, age, whether literate, occupation and other
11872Caguas Census RecordCanaboncito16$10.00Document content includes: Name, birthplace, age, whether literate, occupation and other
11872Caguas Census RecordTown (Other) Culebras83$25.00Document content includes: Name, birthplace, age, whether literate, occupation and other

1872Caguas Census RecordTomas de Castro--
some images are damaged--
34$10.00Document content includes: Name, birthplace, age, whether literate, occupation and other
11872Caguas Census RecordTown (Pueblo)41$15.00Document content includes: Name, birthplace, age, whether literate, occupation and other
00011873Caguas -Fragmented CensusSud44$15.00Document content includes: Name, birthplace, age, whether literate, occupation and other
00011873Caguas-Fragmented CensusTown (Other)23$10.00Document content includes: Name, birthplace, age, whether literate, occupation and other
00011893Caguas -Fragmented CensusBeatris27$10.00Document content includes: Name, birthplace, age, whether literate, occupation and other
00011864Caguas -Fragmented CensusCaguas14$15.00Document content includes: Name, birthplace, age, occupation and other. This census documents those no longer residing in Caguas, includes new residence place.
00011866Caguas -Fragmented CensusCaguas18$15.00Document content includes: Name, birthplace, age, occupation and other. This census documents those no longer residing in Caguas, includes new residence place.
00011867Caguas -Fragmented CensusCaguas7$10.00Document content includes: Name, birthplace, age, occupation and other. This census documents those no longer residing in Caguas, includes new residence place.
1840d1840Fajardo Death RecordsFragmented record contains est. 200 names16$10.00Document content includes the name of one or both parents of deceased. Pardos, Whites and Negros are documented.
00011846Fajardo Death RecordsFajardo8$10.00Records include name, age and cause of death
Fajardo d 18531853-1856Fajardo Death RecordsFajardo26$15.00These records do NOT include the name (s) of the parent (s). This is a simple list of persons who died in Fajardo 1853-1856
Fajardo b 18521852-1856Fajardo Birth RecordsFajardo62$20.00These records do NOT include the name (s) of the parent (s). This is a simple list of persons who were born in Fajardo 1852-1856
Fajardo matrimony1852-1854Fajardo Matrimony RecordsFajardo8$10.00Simple list of couples married in Fajardo during 1852-1854
31896-1897Lares Census of Wealth (Riqueza) Part ILares30$15.00Simple Census of Wealth. Some pages are damaged. Pages for the most part are legible.
31896-1897Lares Census of Wealth (Riqueza) Part IILares40$15.00Simple Census of Wealth. Some pages are damaged. Pages for the most part are legible.
00011862Ponce Census of Orphans (Huerfanos)Ponce9$10.00Contents hold the name of the orphan, age, occupation, town of residence, race and the name of the person they reside with
00011865Ponce Census of Orphans (Huerfanos)Ponce11$10.00Contents list the name, age, and place of residence of the orphan
011868Ponce Census of Military Youth (Mozos)Ponce23$15.00The contents hold the name, age, and place of birth. Some records hold the name of one or both parents
Cultivos1901Lares-Amancebados CensusLares25$15.00This record documents men in consensual union with women in Lares. The list holds names for 85 unmarried couples
Amancebados1865Lares-Cultivos CensusLares26$10.00This record documents the names of Lares resident in 1865 who grew cane, tobacco, coffee, cotton etc. The record documents the product grown and the farm acreage. Some of the pages are marred though legible.
00011868-1872Caguas Fragmented Slave recordsCaguas89$20.00This record holds the name of the slave as well as the slave owner
Presupuesto 18991899Lares-Municipal Records of Residents (Town Budget)Lares70$15.00List includes the name of the person, amount paid to the municipality; other records detail pensions, commerce etc. and other personal information.
pres 19001900Lares-Municipal Records of Residents
(Town Budget)
Lares68$15.00List includes the name of the person, amount paid; other records detail pensions, commerce etc. and other personal information.
Adjuntas1872Slave Census Adjuntas15$15.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Anasco1872Slave Census Anasco232$30.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Arecibo1872Slave Census Arecibo338$30.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Arroyo11872Slave Census Arroyo I120$25.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Arroyo11872Slave Census Arroyo II122$25.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Barranquitas11872Slave Census Barranquitas51$15.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Barros1872Slave Census Barros26$15.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Cabo Rojo1872Slave Census Cabo Rojo186$25.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Camuy1872Slave Census Camuy48$20.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Ciales1872Slave Census Ciales10$15.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Cidra11872Slave Census Cidra28$15.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Coamo1872Slave Census Coamo103$25.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Dorado1872Slave Census Dorado100$25.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Guayanilla1872Slave Census Guayanilla171$25.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Guayama11872Slave Census Guayama I200$30.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Guayama11872Slave Census Guayama II200$30.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Hatillo1872Slave Census Hatillo48$20.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Juana Diaz1872Slave Census Juana Diaz127$25.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Manati1872Slave Census Manati149$25.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Mayaguez1872Slave Census IMayaguez I217$30.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Mayaguez1872Slave Census IIMayaguez II218$30.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Mayaguez1872Slave Census IIIMayaguez III213$30.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Morovis1872Slave Census Morovis9$15.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Naranjito1872Slave Census Naranjito7$15.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Penuelas1872Slave Census Penuelas87$20.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Ponce1872Slave Census Ponce I282$30.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Ponce1872Slave Census Ponce II256$30.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Quebradillas1872Slave Census Quebradillas52$20.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Sabana Grande1872Slave Census Sabana Grande30$20.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
San German1872Slave Census ISan German I240$30.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
San German1872Slave Census IISan German II243$30.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
San Juan1872Slave Census San Juan225$30.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
TRujillo Alto1872Slave Census Trujillo Alto13$15.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
TRujillo Bajo1872Slave Census Trujillo Bajo15$15.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Utuado1872Slave Census Utuado100$25.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
Yauco1872Slave Census Yauco45$20.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
juncos1872Slave Census Juncos51$20.00Records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent (s) (where available), the name of the slaves children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
1881888Almanaque de Puerto Rico San Juan104$15.00The "Almanaque" contains interesting poetry. Also included are of list of the names of many residents (mostly men) as it regards Government, Businesses, Attorneys, Physicians, and other directories of Puerto Ricans mostly in San Juan.
18891889Almanaque de Puerto Rico San Juan95$15.00The "Almanaque" contains interesting poetry. Also included are of list of the names of many residents (mostly men) as it regards Government, Businesses, Attorneys, Physicians, and other directories of Puerto Ricans mostly in San Juan.
18901890Almanaque de Puerto Rico San Juan170$15.00The "Almanaque" contains interesting poetry. Also included are of list of the names of many residents (mostly men) as it regards Government, Businesses, Attorneys, Physicians, and other directories of Puerto Ricans mostly in San Juan. This issue contains statistics for Population, Agriculture, Businesses, Criminality and other interesting statistics for the island of Puerto Rico.
REparto 1849 Juncos1849Censo de Reparto-Distribution CensusJuncos14$10.00This list includes the names of Juncos residents and the amounts received. This is excellent source and insight as to an ancestors wealth or lack thereof. The record includes historical documents and 10 pages of names
Repartos1862Juncos1862Censo de Reparto-Distribution CensusJuncos37$10.00This list includes the names of Juncos residents and the amounts received. This is excellent source and insight as to an ancestors wealth or lack thereof. The record includes historical documents and 30 pages of names.
Repartos1872Juncos1872Censo de Reparto-Distribution CensusJuncos42$10.00This list includes the names of Juncos residents and the amounts received. This is excellent source and insight as to ancestor wealth. The record includes historical documents and 12 pages of names.
1872-73 Juncos Repsrto y presupues1872-1873Presupuesto-Census of Municipal Monies provided to Juncos residentsJuncos92$20.00This list includes the names of Juncos residents and the amounts received. This is an excellent source and insight as to ancestor wealth. The record includes historical documents and 10 pages of names.
Presta 1873 Juncos1873Censo/Padron de Prestaciones-Census of BorrowersJuncos38$10.00This list includes the names of Juncos residents and the amounts received. This is excellent source and insight as to ancestor wealth. The record includes historical documents and 33 pages of names.

18881888Vacuna- Vaccine CensusJuncos5$10.00These records hold the names of children vaccinated against illnesses of the time. The record includes the name (s) of the parent (s). There are 3 pages of names on this record.
Censo Diputados1879Juncos1879Censo Diputados Provincial/Deputy Province CensusJuncos187$20.00These historical records include many documents with the names of many men from Juncos.
Details include election information for council representation. The record includes historical documents and 17 pages of names.
Censo diputados 1881Juncos1881Censo Diputados Provincial/Deputy Province CensusJuncos197$20.00These historical records include many documents with the names of many men from Juncos.
Details include election information for council representation. The record includes historical documents and 20 pages of list of names.
21/9/1937Puerto Rico IlustradoPuerto Rico
Vintage Illustrated
82$15.00Collection of hard to find issues of "Puerto Rico Ilustrado". Treasured illustrated magazine. Issues contain 80-90 pages. Contents include historical information, pictures, poetry and other interesting historical items.
31/15/1937Puerto Rico IlustradoPuerto Rico
Vintage Illustrated
88$15.00Collection of hard to find issues of "Puerto Rico Ilustrado". Treasured illustrated magazine. Issues contain 80-90 pages. Contents include historical information, pictures, poetry and other interesting historical items.
327/17/1937Puerto Rico IlustradoPuerto Rico
Vintage Illustrated
82$15.00Collection of hard to find issues of "Puerto Rico Ilustrado". Treasured illustrated magazine. Issues contain 80-90 pages. Contents include historical information, pictures, poetry and other interesting historical items.
419/11/1937Puerto Rico IlustradoPuerto Rico
Vintage Illustrated
80$15.00Collection of hard to find issues of "Puerto Rico Ilustrado". Treasured illustrated magazine. Issues contain 80-90 pages. Contents include historical information, pictures, poetry and other interesting historical items.
4410/2/1937Puerto Rico IlustradoPuerto Rico
Vintage Illustrated
80$15.00Collection of hard to find issues of "Puerto Rico Ilustrado". Treasured illustrated magazine. Issues contain 80-90 pages. Contents include historical information, pictures, poetry and other interesting historical items.
112/19/1925El Agricultor de Puerto RicoPuerto Rico
Vintage Agriculture Magazine
18$10.00Collection of hard to find vintage agriculture news in Puerto Rico. Contains information of agricultural businesses and business men.
212/12/1925El Agricultor de Puerto RicoPuerto Rico
Vintage Agriculture Magazine
18$10.00Collection of hard to find vintage agriculture news in Puerto Rico. Contains information of agricultural businesses and business men.
312/26/1925El Agricultor de Puerto RicoPuerto Rico
Vintage Agriculture Magazine
20$10.00Collection of hard to find vintage agriculture news in Puerto Rico. Contains information of agricultural businesses and business men.
412/2/1926El Agricultor de Puerto RicoPuerto Rico
Vintage Agriculture Magazine
18$10.00Collection of hard to find vintage agriculture news in Puerto Rico. Contains information of agricultural businesses and business men.
1790Birth RecordsCoamo3420.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Coamo, Puerto Rico early residents. Though marred, the condition of these records is legible, a few records are damaged.
1791Birth RecordsCoamo3520.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Coamo, Puerto Rico early residents. Some of the records are very light or dark, overall condition is legible.
1792Birth RecordsCoamo5225.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Coamo, These record though stained are mostly legible.Puerto Rico early residents
1794Birth RecordsCoamo3920.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Coamo, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.
1793Birth RecordsCoamo5625.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Coamo, Puerto Rico early residents. Some of the records are very light or dark, overall condition is legible.
1810-1812Birth Records
Pardos Morenos y Esclavos
Humacao8625.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Humacao, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.
1812-1813Birth RecordsHumacao6225.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Humacao, Puerto Rico early residents. The condition of the records is mostly legibal, some pages are stained or blurred.
1814Birth RecordsHumacao5025.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Humacao, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.
1815Birth Records
Pardos Morenos y Esclavos
Humacao6425.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Humacao, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.
1816-1817Birth RecordsHumacao12030.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Humacao, Puerto Rico early residents. Some of the records are light, overall condition is legible.
1818Birth RecordsHumacao2915.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Humacao, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.
1818-1821Birth Records
Pardos Morenos y Esclavos
Humacao13730.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Humacao, Puerto Rico early residents. Pages are stained, overall condition is legible,
Pardos Morenos y Esclavos
Humacao12030.00Collection of hard to find Matrimony records of Humacao, Puerto Rico early residents. Some of the records are very light or dark, overall condition is legible.
1821-1822Birth Records
Pardos Morenos y Esclavos
Humacao8025.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Humacao, Puerto Rico early residents. Pages are stained, overall condition is legible,
1823Birth Records
Pardos Morenos y Esclavos
Humacao4420.00Collection of hard to find Birth records of Humacao, Puerto Rico early residents. Pages are stained, overall condition is legible,
1782-1784Matrimony RecordsCoamo2715.00Collection of hard to find Matrimony records of Coamo, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.
1785-1787Matrimony RecordsCoamo3115.00Collection of hard to find Matrimony records of Coamo, Puerto Rico early residents. Some of the records are very dark and some pages are torn, overall condition is legible.
1788-1791Matrimony RecordsCoamo2715.00Collection of hard to find Matrimony records of Coamo, Puerto Rico early residents. Some of the records are very dark and some pages are torn, overall condition is legible.
1779-1781Matrimony RecordsCoamo2215.00Collection of hard to find Matrimony records of Coamo, Puerto Rico early residents. Some of the records are very dark, overall condition is legible.
1808-1811Confirmation-Birth RecordsJuncos4220.00Collection of hard to find confirmation/Birth records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good, some pages are light.
1812-1828Confirmation-Birth RecordsJuncos3315.00Collection of hard to find confirmation/Birth records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good, some pages are light.
1829Confirmation-Birth RecordsJuncos5820.00Collection of hard to find confirmation/Birth records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good, some pages are light.
1826-1827Death RecordsJuncos5020.00Collection of hard to find death records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Condition of records is mostly legible, some pages are light.
1828-1829Death RecordsJuncos6620.00Collection of hard to find death records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Condition of records is mostly legible, some pages are light.
1830-1832Death Records of White residentsJuncos3215.00Collection of hard to find death records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.
1833-1835Death Records of White residentsJuncos3615.00Collection of hard to find death records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Condition of records is mostly legible, some pages are light.
1836-1837Death Records of White residentsJuncos3015.00Collection of hard to find death records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.
1838-1839Death Records of White residentsJuncos3315.00Collection of hard to find death records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.
1840-1843Death Records-White residentsJuncos6620.00Collection of hard to find death records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Condition of records is mostly legible, some pages are light.
1826-1838Matrimony Records of White residentsJuncos5320.00Collection of hard to find matrimony records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Condition of records is mostly legible, some pages are light.
Matrimony Records of White residentsJuncos5820.00Collection of hard to find matrimony records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Condition of records is mostly legible, some pages are light.
Matrimony Records of White residentsJuncos3815.00Collection of hard to find matrimony records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

Matrimony Records of White residentsJuncos2515.00Collection of hard to find matrimony records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

Matrimony Records of White residentsJuncos2215.00Collection of hard to find matrimony records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

Matrimony Records of White residentsJuncos2015.00Collection of hard to find matrimony records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

Matrimony Records of White residentsJuncos4320.00Collection of hard to find matrimony records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

Matrimony Records of White residentsJuncos5120.00Collection of hard to find matrimony records of Juncos, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

1852-1861Birth Records of SlavesSanta Isabel4220.00Collection of hard to find birth records of Santa Isabel, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

1862-1872Birth Records of SlavesSanta Isabel5320.00Collection of hard to find birth records of Santa Isabel, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

1855-1857Birth Records of Pardos y BlancosSanta Isabel5220.00Collection of hard to find birth records of Santa Isabel, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

1852-1854Birth Records of Pardos y BlancosSanta Isabel6920.00Collection of hard to find birth records of Santa Isabel, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

1808-1810Death Records Yauco6120.00Collection of hard to find death records of Yauco, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

1811-1814Death Records Yauco5520.00Collection of hard to find death records of Yauco, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

1814Death Records Yauco4220.00Collection of hard to find death records of Yauco, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

1815-1816Death Records Yauco4020.00Collection of hard to find death records of Yauco, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

1817-1818Death Records Yauco4020.00Collection of hard to find death records of Yauco, Puerto Rico early residents. Record condition is good.

1818Censo de RepartoJuncos710.00Contents include, name, residence and amount
1882-1883Census of LandLares14830.00Contents include name, land information and value.
1886-1887Census of Land Lares4720.00Contents include name, land information and value.
1901-1902Census of ContributionsLares21035.00Contents include names of men and women, town of residence and the amount contributed, condition is good. Excellent source of wealth.
1846Census of LandLares1710.00Contents include names of men and women, town of residence, acreage, values and other details. Condition is fair, some pages are light. Excellent source of ancestor wealth.
1851-1854Census of LandLares6320.00Contents include names of men and women, town of residence, acreage, values and other details. Condition is good. Excellent source of ancestor wealth. Condition is aged however, legible.
1897-1898Census of Repartos Lares21035.00Contents include names of men and women, town of residence, acreage, values and other details. Condition is good. Excellent source of ancestor wealth.
1865-1866Census of WealthLares21535.00Contents hold a mini-biograohical land census for residents of Lares to include land value and other information. Condition is good.
1860Census of SalariesLares17530.00Census of Lares residents salaries. Simple census documenting salaries of residents. Condition is good.
1873Birth recordsPonce2820.00Birth records document persons born in 1873, the place of residence and include the name of parent(s). Condition is aged however, legible.
1832Census RecordsJuncos7425.00Content includes town name, head of household and children. Excellent source of family composition.
1820CensusAguadilla2115.00Simple list of men, includes amount provided for public works. Record condition is good.
1871Electoral CensusAguadilla910.00List of men includes military status and or occupation and town of residence. Record condition is good.
1848-1849Land CensusLares8020.00Includes men and women land owners, town of resdidence, land acreage total and value. Record condition is 'light pages" however legible.
1851Wealth and Land CensusLares7020.00Includes men and women land owners, town of resdidence, land acreage total and value. Record condition is Good. Some records document 'occupation". Record conditin is good.
1848-1849Census of Laborers (Jornaleros)Juana Diaz710.00Simple list of names, includes town of residence. Condition Is Good.
1893-1894Census (General)Manati28530.00Record content includes head of household, other family members, place of birth, marital status, profession and other. Record condition is Excellent.
1872Census (General)Manati11430.00Record content includes head of household, other family members, place of birth, marital status, profession and other. Record condition is Excellent. Fragmented census includes Garrochales, Tierras Nuevas, Rio Arriba Poniente and Saliente.
1855Census of Arrivals to Ponce (Domicile Census)Ponce1015.00Documented are men, women and children, place of birth, physical description, occupation and place of relocation. Record condition is Good.
1858Census of Arrivals to Ponce (Domicile Census)Ponce715.00Documented are men, women and children, place of birth, physical description, occupation and place of relocation. Record condition is Good.
1892Deputy Census-(Diputados)Quebradillas/Camuy710.00Simple list of names of men, place of residence and occupation. Record condition is Good.
District of Quebradillas.
1842-1843Travel Record-PasaporteFajardo310.00These records relate to Fajardo residents whom traveled. Record content includes the name of traveler, place of arrival and length of stay. Record condition is good.
1844Travel Record-PasaporteFajardo1515.00These records relate to Fajardo residents whom traveled. Record content includes the name of traveler, place of arrival and length of stay. Record condition is good.
1848Travel Record-PasaporteFajardo1015.00These records relate to Fajardo residents whom traveled. Record content includes the name of traveler, place of arrival and length of stay. Record condition is dark in some areas and light in other, condition is good when enlarged.
1849Travel Record-PasaporteFajardo1115.00These records relate to Fajardo residents whom traveled. Record content includes the name of traveler, place of arrival and length of stay, reason for travel. Record condition is dark in some areas and light in other, condition is good.
1853Travel Record-PasaporteFajardo2515.00These records relate to Fajardo residents whom traveled. Record content includes the name of traveler, place of birth, place of arrival and length of stay, reason for travel. Record condition is dark in some areas and light in other, condition is good.
1854Travel Record-PasaporteFajardo1415.00These records relate to Fajardo residents whom traveled. Record content includes the name of traveler, place of arrival and length of stay. Record condition is good.
1868Census of Laborers-JornalerosFajardo6615.00Simple census of Laborers. May include interesting notes. Demajaguas, Quebrada Fajardo, Naranjo, Pueblo, Rio Arriba, Sardinera, y Cabezas included.
1858-60Population CensusManati32335.00Content includes head of household, names of family, age, marital status, occupation and whether literate.
1847Population and Land CensusManati2315.00Content includes a simple list of names for men and women along with ancestor town of residence, number of land acres and wealth
1852Population CensusManati2115.00Content includes a simple list of names for men and women for the year 1852, this record documents those who have moved, died or are born in 1852.
1868Census of Wealth Utuado2015.00Simple census (list) documents an ancestor in Utuado and their wealth.
1877-1878Contribution and Wealth Census Utuado6515.00Contents document an ancestor, his contribution and wealth.
1880Caguas CensusCaguitas1015.00This is a population Census. Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish
1880Caguas CensusQuebrada Puerco1915.00This is a population Census. Vitals include age, place of birth, and occupation. Women and children are documented.
Language is Spanish
1865Census-Actas de ContabilidadLares10330.00These records include the names of many residents and the amounts paid to the municipality. Serves as an excellent resource for documenting an ancestor and their wealth.
1872Slave RecordsAguas Buenas1715.00Slave records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent(s) (where available), the name(s) of the slaves’ children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
1872Slave RecordsCaguas10120.00Slave records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent(s) (where available), the name(s) of the slaves’ children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
1872Slave RecordsCayey15020.00Slave records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent(s) (where available), the name(s) of the slaves’ children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
1872Slave RecordsGurabo2715.00Slave records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent(s) (where available), the name(s) of the slaves’ children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
1872Slave RecordsHato Grande-SanLorenzo2815.00Slave records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent(s) (where available), the name(s) of the slaves’ children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
1872Slave RecordsSabana del Palmar-Comerio2815.00Slave records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent(s) (where available), the name(s) of the slaves’ children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.
1872Slave RecordsSalinas10920.00Slave records document the name of the slave, birthplace of slave, a physical description of the slave, the name of the parent(s) (where available), the name(s) of the slaves’ children (if applicable), the name of the slave owner and other vital information.